Our Womb, our Uterus, is a divine bowl, creator and bearer of life. We Women absorb everything with our Womb, just like a sponge does.
This is why all Women need a cleansing and blessing of the Uterus, at least once in our lives.
It is necessary that we recycle the energy that we collect and emit each week, with each significant change in the Moon since all of this impacts our sexual energy.
The thing is that if we do not deliberately go through a cleansing and blessing of the Uterus, that energy of anxiety, stress, anger, abandonment and/or violence ends up eating away at our own body.
It is imperative to be able to look at, download and release those unwanted energies that we may be carrying from who knows, in our feminine lineage. Sometimes we inherit pain, vices or traumas from our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers… Cutting those cords that tie us to those energies from our Wombs is something we have to do if we want to separate ourselves from those energetic spells that may still be clinging to our bodies.
Also, as you already know, Women are extremely powerful creatures and above all; Creators.
So Women are creating everything, every moment in our lives. We create and manifest exactly the same energy that we carry in our Uterus. For example: not only are human beings born from our uteruses, but our partners, our ventures, our self-image, our gardens, relationships, meals, etc. are also born. That is to say everything.
Because all our experiences are recorded in the darkness of our Uterus, that is, in our subconscious minds. And when we cleanse and bless our Womb, we do the same with our subconscious mind, which brings fantastic benefits to our lives.
This healing of the feminine subconscious, where all the pain that we no longer desire is stored, will be reflected in our daily life and in all our creations.
What Woman is this Therapy for?
• This Therapy is for you if you are tired of having painful and emotional menstruations.
• It is for you if you want to stop attracting the same man with a different face.
• It is for you if you want to create from a more prosperous and abundant energy.
• It is for you if you want to regain pleasure in your life.
• It is for you if you feel obstacles or blocks to manifesting what you want in your life.
• It is for you if you want to manifest sacred relationships.
• It is for you if you want to get pregnant or if you are already pregnant.
• It is for you if you want to Restart and start again.
• It is for you if you have a feeling of having the Matrix charged.
Some of the benefits of the Cleansing and Blessing of the Uterus
• We stop repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
• We begin to shine, since we are carriers of new energies.
• Our periods are regulated on a physical and emotional level.
• Lighter menstruations.
• Reduction of fear and body tension.
• We feel pleasure again in everything, not just through sex.
• We begin to feel good in our bodies, which makes us more intuitive and confident in ourselves.
• We become more aware of our creations.
• We value ourselves much more.
• We feel liberated, pure and beautiful, from the inside out.
• Since the energy in our Womb is free of toxins and is then blessed, the doors of true Love open for us.
• Feelings of peace, harmony and deep relaxation.
Schedule Your Uterus Cleansing and Blessing Therapy with Hari Darshan
Allow me to cut the etheric cords that bind you to the energies that you no longer wish to carry.
After detoxifying your Matrix and disintegrating any affinities you may have with unwanted energies, I will proceed to bless your Womb with white roses, sage and palo santo.
With your Uterus Cleansing and Blessing Therapy, receive as a gift my Goddess Aura Mist, a delicious and Organic elixir to activate the Goddess that already resides within you.
Duration of Therapy: One hour.
Value: 90 USD
If you feel the calling, please contact me:
+52 624 355 9352
A series of 12 workshops for Creative Women with Hari Darshan
What is Tantra for Women?
Tantra is an ancient practice that merges spirituality with sexuality.
However, Tantra is not just about sexual pleasure.
It is about embracing gradually, little by little, our light and our darkness. To transcend the duality inside and outside of us and become free from suffering.
Tantra practice can include sounds, breathing, meditation and dance that increase our sexual energy.
We raise our Spirit through the sensuality of our bodies in sync with the flow of the Universe.
The practice of Tantra intertwines spirituality with sexuality and a state of mindfulness.
Tantra is not just a sexual practice. It is an ancient Eastern philosophy that includes various spiritual concepts.
It invites you to have a sensual experience that can be enjoyed alone or as a couple. The objective of Tantra is to achieve a spiritual and energetic contact during a sensual experience.
This practice is slow and the goal is not always to reach orgasm.
We practice Tantra to feel more connected with our own mind, body and give ourselves great pleasure.
Tantra is an ancient, divine practice that unites us with The Great Whole.
Imagine feeling completely safe and comfortable with your body, trusting, giving and receiving energy directly from the source.
Imagine thinking, feeling, speaking, and acting this way regarding
your relationships, your work, finances and everything you are creating.
Through the practice of Tantra, we connect with the pulse of divine creation that resides within ourselves.
If you would like to experience Tantra, increase your sensuality and spirituality and manifest your dream life, we have the perfect program for you!
Our Tantric Goddess Mentoring Program
Did you know your Yoni (Sanskrit word meaning: Cosmic Portal or Vagina) is the one that creates and MANIFESTS EVERYTHING in our lives?
This begins from the thoughts with which we connect to our desires, and includes our emotions and everything we attract in all areas of our lives.
Many women are unaware of this reality and live disconnected from their bodies, their menstrual cycles, Yoni and the Moon.
When a Woman knows her menstrual cycles and the cycles of the Moon, she recognizes herself as the sovereign of her life.
She begins to use her sexual energy not only to have delicious orgasms, but also to bring forth her most beautiful creations.
As Women, we keep everything in the Uterus. This is why it is so necessary to have rituals to cleanse our divine womb and release energy from ancestral traumas, abuse, rape, feelings of abandonment,
great sadness and past lovers, to name a few. If we don’t do it ourselves, who will do it for us?
Well, nobody.
And when we don’t, we randomly co-create negative events in our lives, repeating the very same experiences we no longer want, over and over again.
“To cut these patterns, we need to relate to ourselves differently, we need to become the sovereigns of our energy.”
El Templo de la Diosa invites you to learn all about the power of your sexual energy.
From our heart, we want you to be able to connect with your own pleasure and creative potential, that’s why we have created with much love for you:
The Tantric Goddess Mentoring Program
A series of 12 workshops for Creative Women with Hari Darshan
First Module
Shiva Shakti
In this module we heal, balance and empower our Divine Feminine and sacred masculine energies, to enter a state of flow.
When we balance both the feminine and the masculine within us, this will be reflected in our external world, the physical world.
This means less struggle and more flow for your life. Less effort and more pleasure. We accept our light and dark as perfect.
We vibrate higher and begin to attract, rather than force or manipulate things to happen.
This module consists of 4 Workshops an hour and a half each, in person, at the Temple of the Goddess in Todos Santos.
We will be working with Tantric dynamics, Breathing, Meditation and Kundalini Shakti Dance, to achieve the desired energy balance in us.
★ 1st Workshop
The Union of Venus and Mars
Balancing our masculine energies
Energy of Acceptance
★ 2nd Workshop
Balancing our feminine energies
Energy of Openness
★ 3rd Workshop
Hieros Gamos
Feminine and Masculine energies cooperating and flowing in unlimited prosperity
Energy of Support
★ 4th Workshop
Spiritual Alchemy and Joy. Mother Earth/Father Sky Connection
Energy of Unity
In this mentoring program, we provide the theory of our practices. You will receive an attached document with the theory of the program to serve as support material, source of knowledge and reference.
Value of the Shiva – Shakti Module (4 private workshops): 4,900 pesos.
To start this module, please check availability with us by sending us an email to
Hari@eltemplodeladiosa.com or write to us at WhatsApp number +52 624 355 9352
Second Module
Yoni Power + Magic of Menstruation
In this module we understand and embrace the creative power of our Wombs, the knowledge of our Yoni and her pleasure, the magic of the Feminine Period and the Moon Rituals. Here, we transform the old set of patriarchal paradigms that we have towards female sexuality and pleasure. When you connect with the power of your Yoni:
• You heal disorders, addictions and insecurities, feeling safe in your female body.
• You create harmonious and quality love relationships, with partners who really respect and love you.
• You eliminate menstrual cramps and reduce the possibility that your sexual organs and breasts fall prey to the disease.
• You expand your orgasmic potential.
• You create and attract material and monetary abundance.
• You free yourself from guilt for feeling good and beautiful.
• You also free yourself from guilt for feeling pleasure.
“The codes of Magic that vibrate latent in your Yoni and in your Feminine cycles, are waiting to be unlocked by yourself”
Hari Darshan
This module consists of 4 Workshops of an hour and a half each, in person, at the Temple of the Goddess in Todos Santos. We will work gradually to achieve the desired energy balance.
★ 1st Workshop
Cleansing Past Lovers
Tantric Sequences to free our system from unwanted energies.
Yoni Egg practice with Obsidian Egg, which absorbs what we want to eliminate from our Yoni
Purification Energy.
★ 2nd Workshop
Blessing of the Uterus / Healing of the Female Womb for up to 7 generations of Women, forwards and backwards.
Nutrition Energy.
★ 3rd Workshop
Menstruation Rituals and the Moon/ Creation of Offerings for
Pachamama in sync with the Moon.
Offering Energy.
★ 4th Workshop
Breast Massage and Connection with our Yoni / Activation of the energy of pleasure and enjoyment in your body – temple. You perceive your sexual fire and generate bodily and emotional alchemy.
Enjoyment Energy
How will we do it?
We will do it through face-to-face teaching of rituals, theoretical study of the anatomy of our Yoni, female cycles, its correlation with the seasons, the moon, and practices with Obsidian Yoni Eggs. If you want to work on this module with your own Yoni Egg, that’s perfect and welcome!
However, we suggest you use an Obsidian Yoni Egg. If you do not have an Obsidian Yoni egg, we can provide you with a high-quality Obsidian from Peru.
We will also do it through Meditation, cleansing and blessing of the Uterus and Kundalini Dance. You will receive an attached document with the theory of the module, to serve as support material, source of knowledge and reference.
Value of the Yoni Power + Magic of Menstruation Module (4 private workshops): 4,900 pesos.
To start this module, please check availability with us by sending us an email to
Hari@eltemplodeladiosa.com or write to us at WhatsApp number +52 624 355 9352
Third Module
Orgasmic Manifestation
In this module we learn and experience Tantric practices of self-pleasure or sacred self-touch, directed towards manifesting our wildest dreams.
Your Yoni is divine and perfectly beautiful just as she is,
naturally. If you really connect with her, you will hear that she intuitively communicates to you about how to manifest orgasmic pleasure, abundance, love, and more beauty in your life.
Your Yoni knows how, she has her own heart and intuition.
Your ENTIRE body is Sacred and learning to caress it, love it and fully enjoy it is a beautiful journey of unconditional love, and journey of self-realization. In this module we are going to experience breast massage, nipple massage, Yoni massage and the different types of female orgasms and their Archetypes:
Clitoral Orgasm
G-Spot Orgasm
Cervix orgasm
When a Woman channels her sexual energy into her creations, she manifests what she wants in her life.
It is of vital importance that we as Women know how to activate pleasure in each cell of our body, allowing energy to flow from darkness to light.
Beautiful, we invite you to become the sovereign of your sexuality and your reality.
In this module we work on a series of four Workshops of an hour and a half each Workshop, in person, at the Temple of the Goddess in Todos Santos.
In this module you will learn the Tantric art of Self Touch or Sacred Touch.
★ 1st Workshop
Self-Sacred Touch / Clitoral Orgasm. We embody the Maiden archetype and how to have a Clitoral orgasm.
Energy of Innocence
★ 2nd Workshop
Yoni Massage / G-Spot Orgasm. We embody the archetype of the Wild Woman and how to have a G-Spot orgasm.
Energy of the Wild
★ 3rd Workshop
Yoni Massage / Cervix Orgasm. We embody the Wise Woman archetype and how to have a Cervix orgasm.
Energy of the Mystic
★ 4th Workshop
Yoni Massage / Orgasmic Manifestation. Step by step explanation of how to manifest what we want in our lives through our orgasms.
Energy of Manifestation
How will we do it?
We will do it through the learning of Sacred Self Touch, theoretical study of the types of orgasm and Yoni massage.
Learn with me, step by step, how to manifest in the physical world through our pleasure and our orgasms.
We highly suggest having a Yoni Wand or Sacred Phalo for the practice of this module. If you don’t have it, I can provide you with a Rose Quartz Yoni Wand.
Make sure to use high quality crystals on your precious Yoni.
You will receive an attached document with the theory of the program, to serve as support material, source of knowledge and reference.
Value of the Orgasmic Manifestation Module (4 private workshops): 4,900 pesos.
To start this module, please check availability with us by sending us an email to
Hari@eltemplodeladiosa.com or write to us at WhatsApp number +52 624 355 9352
The Tantric Goddess Mentoring Program
Value of the 3 modules of the Tantric Goddess Mentoring Program (12 classes): 13,900 pesos.
© Copyright El Templo de la Diosa 2023
Contact us today at
+52 624 355 9352