Dear Goddess,
Dancing is pure medicine.
When we dance, we enter a state of divine Flow, attracting what we want from our Soul.
When we dance with intention, we generate a sacred geometry that manifests what we need for our growth and female empowerment.
Kundalini Shakti Dance is based on raising the energy of our Chakras through serpentine, spiraling and hip and chest opening movements.
Intentionally and deliberately, we raise the energy from the lower triangle, where the Chakras of survival are found, to the upper triangle, where the Chakras that generate higher consciousness are found.
This is a dance method that liberates, heals and nourishes in turn, connecting us with our Mother Earth and Father Sky, gaining clear understanding of our innocent and feminine essence.
Through dance, we alchemize dominant feelings, thoughts and emotions that no longer serve us.
This alchemy generated in us, manifests itself in elevated emotions such as expansion, love, compassion, freedom, prosperity and connection with The One.