Dear woman, my name is Hari Darshan and I am delighted to be able to reach you in this moment.
I want to thank the Infinite for the help and constant support on my path of evolution and spiritual growth.

I am in this world to share with you wonderful Self-healing and Female Empowerment techniques.
Thanks to these techniques, I myself have been experiencing powerful changes every week, every month and every year, which have improved all areas of my life remarkably and exponentially.

It is my greatest wish to provide you with all the information you need so that you too can achieve the necessary changes and transformations so that you can become the woman you dream of being.

My path was not always so clear and as I share with you in my book “Becoming a Goddess” thanks to the Universe I have been able to transform my life, little by little, hand in hand with a daily and disciplined practice to raise my vibrational frequency.

Before, I reacted to everything and was very emotional, a drama queen. My life was a roller coaster and I was prey to a stress that stole every second of my life, until, in 2007 I went to a seminar with my teacher Deepak Chopra in California (USA). I know it sounds super cliche but the truth is, learning to meditate with him changed my life for my total good. Still today, I meditate every day. I love and need my personal practice more than ever. I definitely continue to give myself space every day for my meditation and rituals to flow with the divine feminine such as Kundalini dance, the connection with nature and with my Altars.

In 2008 I was certified as a Meditation Teacher at the Chopra Center in California, USA. In this same year, I opened my Meditation and Yoga Center in Lima, Peru. It was very nice and successful. Very beautiful to work with so many people who wanted to learn!
I had a very nice face-to-face community of students. Very grateful.

In 2009 I was certified as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. I taught this type of Yoga from 2009 to 2019, the year in which it was published worldwide, that the person who had brought Kundalini Yoga to the West had turned out to be a tremendous abuser of Women. It didn’t seem consistent to me to be on the path of the Divine Feminine and spread the teachings of a predator. So I stopped teaching Kundalini Yoga.

But my daily meditation practice continued to give my Third Eye greater clarity and openness, which led me to take a specialization in Yoga on the Divine Feminine, in 2014.
I felt that I had to heal and balance my feminine and masculine energies, as both were damaged and unbalanced in my psyche.
Having specialized in Women’s Empowerment was the most precious thing I have been able to do in my career and also on a personal level.
Because women are the creators of everything that happens in the world.
It is we who give birth and educate the rulers on the planet. It is our responsibility to heal ourselves, empower ourselves and co-create harmony, sweetness and beauty in all our environments.

Year 2020 arrived and I had to close my Yogashala and started giving classes and workshops in the online format. It was then, that my most beloved project so far was born: El Templo de la Diosa. It was wonderful to work in this way, connecting with Goddesses from all over the world for two years in a row!

And once again, thanks to my spiritual practices, I manifested a beautiful house in a wonderful paradise here in Baja California Sur, Mexico in 2021.
Here I offer Moon Ceremonies, Kundalini Shakti Dance Workshops and One-Day Retreats in person.

It was also in 2020 that I took training in Shamanic Energy Medicine, with Four Winds Society, as I felt the need to expand my knowledge in order to help more people with this powerful Medicine. www.mysticshamana.com

Goddess, I feel very blessed and grateful to be able to share with you, in such an intimate way and in person.
With the passing of time I realize all the beauty that I have manifested in my life. I only smile, thanking you from my heart and share with you all these sacred teachings, so that you also manifest the life you dream of!

Om Shanti,
Hari Darshan


Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher at the Chopra Center California – USA


Transformational Coach Endorsed by Certified Coaching Alliance CCA


Kundalini Yoga Teacher Certified by the Kundalini Research Institute – USA

Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Flow Teacher

Akashic Records Practitioner

The Four Winds Society
Shamanic Energy Medicine

© Copyright El Templo de la Diosa 2023

Contact us today at
+52 624 355 9352

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